Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sarkosky Wins Despite Left-Wing Liberal Criticism

In recent interview with the daily Le Parisien, Socialist (Left-Wing Liberal) Party Candidate Royal said Nicolas Sarkozy has "the same neo-conservative ideology" as [President] Bush. Despite this criticism, Sarkozy wins decisively while remaining a conservative capitalist.

Let this be a lesson to the spineless RINO's who are in the Republican Party. Being an aggressive conservative is always a winner! Trying to get along with socialists will only get you more socialism.

President-Elect Sarkozy may not be a conservative by my standards, but he is so by theirs. Any major pull to the right will get my attention and affection.

Congratulations Nicolas Sarkozy!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Just To Embarrass President Bush

Peter McMahon (left), husband of Deputy White House Press Secretary Dana Perino was jailed recently for violating a leash law in Washing D.C. The U.S. Park Police (aka left-wing liberal civil servants who are part of the U.S. Department of the Interior) in the issued a citation to McMahon.

For whatever reason, the ticket was not paid. The U.S. Park Police took to time to convince a judge to issue an arrest warrant against McMahon. He was later arrested and jailed! Just think about all of the effort to try to embarrass President Bush.

I am impressed that the felony case load for the U.S. Park Police is so low that they were both able and willing to pursue justice to these lengths.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I will not be watching tonight's Republican Debate

Democrats refused to appear at a debate hosted by Fox News (even with the co-host being the Congressional Black Caucus). Democrats refused to appear at a debate hosted by Fox News (even with the co-host being the Nevada Democrat Party. They would never agree to appear at a debate where the MODERATOR IS EVEN A LIBERAL REPUBLICAN!! Yet the Republican candidates agree to a debate moderated by Left Wing Liberal Chris Matthews!!

This continued weakness on part of our Republican leadership is choking the Republican Party to death. So for the first time in over 20 years, I will not be watching tonight's Republican Debate!!

However, I will be watching Fox News' Republican Debate on May 15th (co-hosted by the fair minded Brit Hume) at 6pm pst on Fox News.