Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Eyes of Argus may be showing signs of Vitamin A deficiency.

Jason Daniel of "Eyes of Argus" condemns former City Council Candidate and Black Republican Craig Deluz for certain campaign expenditures. These expenditures were made in the 2004 Sacramento, California City Council Race against Left-Wing Liberal Democrat Councilwoman Sandy Sheedy.

Without even trying to find out the facts, Daniel simply repackages the Left-Wing liberal Sacramento Bee's propaganda article against Deluz. Here is what Daniel said:
...Sacramento City Council will create an ethics commission for investigating campaign money violations because Election Loser Craig DeLuz blew campaign money on a silly rug and cross country trips...
First of all Craig did not "blow campaign money on a silly rug". I was a volunteer of Craig's during that campaign. I have asthma and bronchitis. That "silly rug" was nothing more than cheap office "CARPET" that was used to cover the dusty concrete foundation in that Del Paso Heights storefront so that those of us who have asthma and other conditions that are sensitive to dust could volunteer as we did. As a volunteer I could not have been able to work in the headquarters without that "silly rug".

But Daniel's "Eyes of Argus" (Source for Local Government News Seasoned with Truth) didn't mentioned that.

Secondly, Deluz took 2 specific trips for fundraising possibilities. One to Washington, DC and one to San Francisco. They did not prove to be as stellar as the campaign would have liked. However that is the kind of misfortune routinely encountered with Black Republicans who desire political office.

But Daniel's "Eyes of Argus" (Source for Local Government News Seasoned with Truth) didn't mentioned that.

There are Conservative Republicans who believe that Jason Daniel is a "Source for Local Government News Seasoned with Truth." I would say that his seasoning has lost its savor. As a Conservative Black Republican I am naturally skeptical when the Sacramento Bee mentions anything about Conservative Republicans - especially Black Conservative Republicans. I am dismayed when one of the most prominent Black Conservative Republicans in Sacramento is attacked in such a ignorant manner by Daniel using information from White Left-Wing Liberal Democrats - NO MATTER THEIR FORUM!! We conservatives expect that from the Bee and the White Left Wing Liberals on the City Council - not from the Eyes of Argus.

Daniel should have realized that the Sacramento City Council's efforts are commensurate with their political grumblings as Left-Wing Liberal Democrats and NOT out of concern for the integrity of the local electoral process. Daniel's blog posting did not reflect any freshness in his spice rack for Truth. The Eyes of Argus may either decide to increase his intake of Beta Carotene or risk becoming a memory.