Monday, December 11, 2006

Cow Fart is more dangerous than Car exaust

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor for the U.K's Independent has an excellent article detailing the fraud of global warming. The article makes clear that the United Nations believes that cow fart may be more responsible for global warming than car exaust. I recently posted an article telling saying that the United Nations Global Climate Change Agreement (Kyoto) is nothing more than a "three card molly" game being played on us by Left-Wing Liberals. Once we thought that is was car emissions, then we were told that our carbon footprint was too big, and now it is Cow Fart!! WHICH CARD IS IT??

Please note that this report blaming cow fart for global warming comes from the same United Nations that produced the Kyoto Protocols which blamed cars global warming.

Left Wing Liberal global warming thuggery is the only "inconvenient truth" we need to be aware of.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Global Warming has caused the entire nation to be extremely cold. AL Gore...The Global Warming Debate is not settled, it has just begun!!

Republican Deterioration

Both Ambassador John Bolton and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld are among the best non military combat advancement of American Security in the World. Their resignation is proof positive that the national Republican electorate has, since 2000, been ignoring the Republican base in pursuit of Left-Wing Liberal affection.

Know wonder we lost so bad!!