Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Current State of Republican Affairs

Today the Republican Party stands in dire political crisis. We have a Republican Leadership that is perpetually and hopelessly addicted to Democrat attention and the need to find ways to "be their friend". Our leadership has gained full legal control the the Federal Government, but, like an elephant who grew up with a chain on his leg - thinking he cannot break it, Republican leadership seems convinced that it cannot break it's concentration on placating the insatiable whims of Democrats. Our work at the grassroots is harder between elections because leadership seems either uninterested extremely uncomfortable at confronting Democrats by advancing the Republican Party Platforms.

Too many Republicans are quick to give political cover to Democrats while joining the chorus of criticism of fellow Republicans. Republicans seem to do this in a vain effort to both show that they can "point-their-finger" at fellow Republicans and attempt gain favor with Democrats. As a matter of fact, the only time we see elected Republicans take a hard stand is when they are publicly disagreeing with those of us who wish to promote the Republican Party Platforms.

At the State level, Republicans seem to have lost will to ever regain leadership. Republican leadership has made a conscious decision to expand the Party by abandoning the advancement of the Republican Party Platform. Consequently, we Republicans, who used our Platform language to work hard to make the gains that our Party is currently enjoying, are dismayed that our Party leadership wants to support persons for elective office who are registered Republicans but have no interest in advancing those Platforms that we Republicans have argued, fussed, and fought to among ourselves to agree upon. This of course is not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars we spent at conventions, meetings, and with support groups. Also the many thousands of hours we gave in volunteering - all to advance the State and National Republican Party Platforms. It makes no sense to us to continue in this sacrifice if those who lead this Party are making conscious efforts to simply ignore what our entire reason for our sacrifice.

Republicans at the federal level are mentally still in the wilderness of the minority status that plagued this Party for 40 years. Republicans still feel the need to cavort with their nemesis, the Left-Wing Liberal media. Republicans still have subscriptions to the Left-Wing Liberal newspapers such as the Sacramento Bee, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, the New York Times, The Boston Globe, and the Washington Post. They appear on Left-Wing Liberal radio and television networks only to become the piƱata for the respective hosts. Republican leaders still try to communicate with Republican constituents via these Left-Wing Liberal vehicles as if we are listening. Sadly, elected Republicans believe that the mainstream media will actually report accurately what they say and do or even mention their press releases. There are enough Blogs, newsletters, radio talk shows and even a news station or two that can inform every Republican in the state and /or country.

There is a severe lack of conservative interest groups that are multi-purpose. One interest group is focused on abortion and cannot be called on to support those who are fighting lower taxes and another interest group is focused on lower taxes and cannot be found to rally on behalf of those who are resisting abortion on demand. As a result, we are disorganized between elections when issues such as government spending, trade treatises, and immigration become the talk of the day. Our majority cannot survive this continued segregation.

Republicans who do not agree with Republican Party Platforms are gaining strength throughout our Party without any obligation to advance our platform. As a result our party is looking more like the Democratic Party - Pro-choice, a-political on homosexual marriage, anti-religious, anti-2nd amendment for individuals, and are perfectly willing to increase spending and the size of government.

What do we do? Those of of us who want to advance the platform must regain leadership in our Party. We must begin insisting that our Party Leaders adhere to the political contract that defines us as Republicans - the National and State Republican Party Platforms. We may not personally agree to every position in the Platforms, but like every successful contractual relationship, we execute based on all of the agreed upon terms.

Grassroots Republicans have voted on one Platform at their respective National and State Conventions. Much of the agreed issues in the Platforms includes the following:

We seek to elect leaders who support the federal marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution that state marriage is defined as the exclusive relationship of one man and one woman. We do not support domestic partnership of any kind.
  1. We seek to elect leaders who are committed to eliminating government funding of abortion.
  2. We seek to elect leaders who are committed to the reduction taxes at all levels of government and eliminate taxes wherever possible.
  3. We seek to improve the quality of education by making it easier for children to attend the school of their parents choosing.
  4. We seek to elect leaders who will enforce laws on U.S. Border Security.
  5. We seek to elect leaders who will appoint persons to the judiciary who will interpret the State and U.S. Constitutions.
  6. We seek to elect leaders who will defend the U.S. politically as well as militarily against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
If persons and/or groups wanting to modify the direction of the Republican Party, all they have to do is change the language in the Platform - nothing more. Of course that requires those wanting the changes to actually engage the rest of us with convincing arguments of those changes.

Republicans have been winning elections because of our agreement on the problems and the solution. We codified these agreements into our Party Platforms. Our donations as well as our attendance to meetings, events, and conventions must be singularly focused on advancing our Party Platforms. We must continue our diligence and not be compromised by camaraderie of some and the smoothness of others. Our money, our sweat, our tears, and our time, must once again count for more than just winning the next election. Our money, our sweat, our tears, and our time must once again count in the governance by the leadership we worked so hard to get elected.