Thursday, August 25, 2005

None Dare Call it Hypocrisy

The DRUDGE REPORT has calculated that Vice President Al Gore consumned more than 439,500 pounds of fuel, or 65,600 gallons, at a cost of more than $131,000 on his 16,000 mile trip to do a speech on global Warming.

In December 1997, then Vice President Al Gore, Jr. spoke before the international contengint of Left-Wing Liberals at Japan's Kyoto International Conference Center. Not one person at the Conference in 1997 nor since that Conference has even questioned (based on their criticisms of conservatives) his contribution to Global warming in those 72 hours of travel.
"The most vulnerable part of the Earth's environment is the very thin layer of air clinging near to the surface of the planet, that we are now so carelessly filling with gaseous wastes that we are actually altering the relationship between the Earth and the Sun - by trapping more solar radiation under this growing blanket of pollution that envelops the entire world," Gore told the conference.
Examples such as these should add to the volume of evidence that it is not necessary to believe Left-Wing Liberals when they say that they are concerned for the environment. Their concern is only they we, the masses, conserve our energy and restrain our lives in a manner that creates resiviors of energy and acres of exclusive land for their enjoyment. Beware of any person who tries to convince you that their is any real danger in the global warming. Remember when the Left-Wing Liberal danger was "Global Cooling"?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Another Republican 9/11 Commissioner Defends "The Democrat The Wall Builder"

On Wednesday, April 14, 2004 I wrote this in my old Blog:

Republicans on the 9-11 Commission
It is now clear to me why former Republican U.S. Senator Slate Gorton lost his reelection to the United States Senate from the state of Washington. Washington State Representatives decided not to re-hire a RINO (Republican In Name Only), they went for the real deal, a Left-Wing Liberal Democrat. Now serving on the 9-11 Commission, Slate Gorton is vociferously defending fellow Commissioner Democrat former Deputy U.S. Attorney General Jamie S. "Gore"lick on her memo in 1995. Those who are thinking clearly can logically attribute her memo to be the basis onwhich the intelligence agencies were made impotent and their not seeing 9-11. Congressman James Sensenbrenner, Republican of Wisconsin and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is one of few elected officials with the spine to call for Commissioner "Gore"lick's resignation and to compell her to testify before the 9-11 Commission under oath. Commissioner Gorton is defending Commissioner "Gore"lick in a manner consistant with my arguments that Republican leaders have fallen in love with their political enemy (not political rival) even at the cost of facts, truth, blind hypocracy, and Party loyalty. If Commissioner Gorton was as agressive at defending Republican principles and platform as he displays in defending Commissioner "Gore"lick he would still be a U.S. Senator and not a 9-11 Commissioner. Commissioner Gorton needs to be pressured to force Commissioner "Gore"lick's resignation and compel her to testify before the Commission under oath.
This past Monday, Gorton was a guest on the O'Reilly Factor, defending fellow Commissioner Democrat former Deputy U.S. Attorney General Jamie S. Gorelick against more concrete evidence that she and the Clinton Administration have a larger burden of responsibility than the 9/11 Commission report detailed. Slate was in his usual RINO Form - protect the Democrat Commissioner in charge of the Wall!

It is becoming very clear to a large number of political decision makers that Gorelick should have been a witness before, not a Commissioner on, the 9/11 Commission. There seems to be increasing suspension that Gorelick's March 1995 Memo was the pivot by which information whas not shared with the appropriate agencies and people who could have prevented the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

More information has come to light that the Clinton Administration could have prevented the terrorist preparation that executed the 9/11 terrorist attacks against our nation. Army Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer, former member of a Department of Defense intelligence gathering program called Able Danger, and more recently Navy Captain Scott Phillpott, former Manager of Able Danger, have both laid out devastating claims that must themselves be investigated for accuracy. Republican Chairman Thomas H. Kean and Democrat Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton issued a three page Joint Statement detailing their dismissal of any relevance or significance to Able Danger with respect to the 9/11 Commission investigation or report.

Another angle to this investigation could be former Clinton National Security Advisor Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger. As we all know, Berger pled guilty to a charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material. That charge is a misdemeanor which carries a penalty maximum of a year in prison and up to a $100,000 fine. His formal sentencing was delayed from July 8 of this year to September of this year. What did Sandy Berger REALLY steal? Could it have been some Able Danger Documents? Members of the 9/11 Commission should instead be writing a joint request to Federal District Court U.S. Magistrate Deborah Robinson, who is presiding over the Berger case, that she reject the plea agreement pending further questioning by 9/11 Commission members and/or any Congressional Committee investigators with regard to Able Danger and list ALL documents that did he destroy.

It is unfortunate that these "dispassionate, independent, searching-only-for-the-truth" Republicans are spending more time defending this one Democrat Commissioner [Gorelick], then they are about uncovering the facts of this potentially monumental discovery of information about what led to 9/11. The antics of Slate Gorton are to be expected by Democrats, but it is horrifying that Gorton seems seems to eager to join them.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Keeping Focused with Casey Sheenan's Mother

The above picture is of Carly, Pat, President Bush, Casey Sheenan's Mother and Andy at Ft. Lewis in Washington State. Casey Sheenan's Mother enjoys a sympathetic kiss on the cheek from President Bush.

The MSM will not tell who "THE" whole story, only "THEIR" whole story. Casey Sheenan's Mother is a "double-minded person who is unstable in all of her ways"

On April 27, 2004 Casey Sheehan's mother curses and scorns President Bush at a rally at San Francisco State University in support of Left-Wing Liberal Lawyer Lynne Stewart:
We are not waging a war on terror in this country. We’re waging a war of terror. The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush.

On June 18, 2004 Casey Sheehan's mother and Father, Patrick Sheehan, visited with the President at Fort Lewis near Seattle. Make no mistake about it, the Secret Service and the White House were fully aware of the participation of Casey Sheehan's mother at the April 27, 2004 rally.

On June 24, 2004 The Reporter (a Vacaville newspaper) published a story detailing the Sheehan's account of their meeting with President Bush. After the meeting, Casey Sheehan's mother says the following:

"I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis...I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith...That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together."

Casey Sheehan's Mother is deserving of criticism for her lies , hypocricsy, and political attacks on so-called right-wingers and President Bush. Casey Sheehan's Mother is deserving of criticism of her personal judgement because of her decision to find aid and cofomfort with the enemies of the United States of America.

I grieve not for
Casey Sheehan's Mother. Casey Sheehan's Mother didn't lose anything because nothing was taken from her. Army Spc. Casey Sheehan volunteered himself to fight on the frontline of the War on Terror. I grieve that Army Spc. Casey Sheenan will not be able to see the success of his valued participation. It hearts my heart that freedom and liberty costs so much. It is sad that Casey Sheehan's Mother has has joined the efforts of those who are friends of those who take pleasure in Army Spc. Casey Sheehan's death.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Synopsis of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan's Family

Casey Sheehan VOLUNTEERED to serve in the Army. Casey Sheehan knew when he VOLUNTARILY REENLISTED what the dangers of his CHOSEN profession were. Casey Sheehan's mother meets with President Bush and praises the President for his honesty, sensitivity and sincerity of his prosecuting the war on terrorism "in Iraq" even though she had misgivings about the war. Casey Sheehan's mother later lies about the facts of her meeting with President Bush so as to gain a support base composed of Left-Wing Liberals who Hate President Bush.

Casey Sheehan's mother has lost the support of her family and her husband Patrick Sheehan filed a divorce petition on this past Friday in Solano County California.
Casey Sheehan's mother deserves no serious attention from President Bush. I was bothered when President Bush even mentioned her during a press conference on his ranch. Casey Sheehan's mother has decided to align herself politically with Left-Wing Liberals who hate President Bush. These "Bush Haters" are the same losers who have lost every single election cycle since 1994. Their anti-war rhetoric hasn't worked with all of their legions of mental slaves and their millions of dollars. Casey Sheehan's mother will certainly not be more successful than they were. Casey Sheehan's mother is only deserving of the same public criticism as those with whom she depends on for aid and comfort. Casey Sheehan's mother deserves to be ignored by any person with whom she wants to convince of her plight. Casey Sheehan's mother "Has no Plight."

Army Specialist Casey Sheehan is a hero. He should be hailed as such along with all servicemen for their willingness to make their bodies a living sacrifice for the protection of the freedom and liberty we United States Citizens enjoy today.

I am saddened to know that Casey Sheehan's mother is so mentally handicapped by the successful Left-Wing Liberal takeover of her emotions. Casey Sheehan's mother is currently engaged in a meaningless anti-war rant outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas. The presence of Casey Sheehan's mother has no effect on public policy. The presence of Casey Sheehan's mother only gives another outlet to Left-Wing Liberals who want to continue to try and attack and embarrass President Bush.

Casey Sheehan's mother was recently quoted as saying that she will NOT pay her taxes for 2004. She beleives that her son's death should satisfy the IRS debt. It has also been learned that Casey Sheehan's mother tried to convince Casey to allow her to drive him north of tthe U.S. border to Canada. Both of these acts are felonies under U.S. federal law. I wonder if she will EVER be prosecuted. If she is not, there will be a backlash against the Republican Majority rarely seen in Politics.

Mali D. Currington

Message From the Sheehan Family

The family of American soldier Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004, has broken its silence and spoken out against his mother Cindy Sheehan's anti-war vigil against George Bush held outside the president's Crawford, Texas ranch.

The following email was received by the DRUDGE REPORT from Casey's aunt and godmother:

Our family has been so distressed by the recent activities of Cindy we are breaking our silence and we have collectively written a statement for release. Feel free to distribute it as you wish. Thanks Ð Cherie

In response to questions regarding the Cindy Sheehan/Crawford Texas issue: Sheehan Family Statement:

The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.


Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins.